Extended Care
Extended Care is available to:
- Children in PreSchool – Grade 8
- Before (6am-8am) and/or After School (3:15 PM-6 PM)
- On select days SPLS is not in session (6 AM-6 PM)
For more information, please contact St. Paul’s Lutheran School at 660-463-7654 or school@splsconcordia.org.

Summer Program
St. Paul’s Summer Program will run June-July 2023.
- Open to children in PreSchool – Grade 8.
- Program available 6:00am – 6:00pm.
- Submit enrollment Form and $50 deposit to the school office.
Submit June schedule to the office no later than May 1, 2023.

Extra-Curricular Activities
St. Paul’s Lutheran offers sports to 5-8 Grade students:
- Fall: Co-ed Soccer, 5-6 Volleyball, 7-8 Volleyball
- Winter: 5-6 Girls Basketball, 5-6 Boys Basketball, 7-8 Girls Basketball, 7-8 Boys Basketball, Cheerleading
- Spring: 5-8 Track and Field
Other activities are offered when interest and resources allow!
Current families, please see the Gradelink Updates Page for Athletics Schedules!

All students are encouraged to participate in the School Lunch Program; however, students may bring a lunch from home. Microwave ovens are not available for student use. Fast-food or carbonated beverages are not permitted in the cafeteria.
- Student Lunches – $3.50
- Single Extra Entree for grades 3-8 – $0.50
- Two Extra Entrees for grades 6-8 – $1.00
- Milk $0.40
- Adult Lunches – $3.50
All lunches are to be paid in advance. Payments can be delivered to the office. Parents are notified by email when their student(s) lunch account has a negative balance. Emails are sent every Monday.
At registration, all students will be given the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. These forms are available in the school office and can be submitted at any time during the school year. Recipients of free and reduced lunches are kept private and are served the same quality lunch.
Students in grades PS-8th may purchase milk for snack break.

Bus Service
SPLS students have access to buses that transport public school children, which are owned and operated by Fowler Bus Company. Monthly fees are collected by St. Paul’s Lutheran School at the beginning of the month. Billing statements are sent home with students.
When the school organizes transportation for a school event, all students being transported by a car must follow Missouri’s Child Restraint Law (RSMo 307.182): “Children less than 4 years old or less than 40 pounds must be in an appropriate child safety seat. Children ages 4 through 7 who weigh at least 40 pounds must be in an appropriate child safety seat or booster seat unless they are 80 pounds or 4’9″ tall. Children 8 and over or weighing at least 80 pounds or at least 4’9″ tall are required to be secured by a safety belt or buckled into an appropriate booster seat.”

St. Paul’s School has many parent volunteers who assist in many activities at school. At registration, parents are given a list of volunteer activities in which they may participate. Volunteers who commit to interacting with students on a regular weekly basis must provide the necessary information to perform the required background check.