
Your gifts make ministry possible. Every dollar St. Paul’s receives turns into opportunities for preaching, teaching, and reaching.

As we begin 2025 together, we are asking each member of our congregation to prayerfully consider your ongoing support of the work of the ministry of our church and school through your tithes and offerings. This spiritual discipline is helpful for your spiritual well-being and is useful for our congregation’s leadership as we plan our shared work. Please return this form in the mail or return in worship on Sunday, January 26, 2025.


One-time or recurring gifts may be made safely and securely online by using your credit or debit card or with an ACH transfer from your bank account.

In Person
In Person

Cash or checks payable to “St. Paul’s Lutheran Church” can be given in all worship services.


Donate a raised commodity. Contact Julie Bonar, our Business Manager, at 660-463-2291 or for more information.


Mail your gift to St. Paul’s at P.O. Box 60, Concordia, MO 64020.

Qualified Distribution
Qualified Distribution

Make a qualified distribution from your retirement account. Contact Julie Bonar, our Business Manager, at 660-463-2291 or for more information.


Leave a legacy of faith with a planned gift to ministry. Our Fount of Every Blessing Ministry can help you with your Lifetime Plan for Giving.

Time & Talents

Not only do we contribute financial gifts and material resources for the work of ministry; we dedicate our time and talents for the service of God's church. Let us know your interests and availability to serve. As projects come up and needs arise, we may contact you, or feel free to reach out to volunteer.

Complete the Time & Talents Survey and return it to the church office or you may drop it in the offering plate during weekly worship.