Comfort Dog Ministry

A Bridge to Christian Compassion and Faith-Sharing

St. Paul’s is home to Thomas, a Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) Comfort Dog. The Comfort Dog Ministry is a national human-care ministry embracing the unique, calming nature and skills of purebred Golden Retrievers. Comfort Dogs are a bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence, and proclamation of Jesus Christ.

Thomas is a working animal, trained to interact with people of all ages and circumstances who are suffering and in need. Thomas participates in scheduled and special events. Comfort Dog handlers and caregivers receive full training, along with ongoing support, coaching, and training.

Our Comfort Dog serves every day in our church, school, and community and are deployed in times of disaster and crisis to bring comfort to all those affected, including first responders and the volunteers who serve them.

Thomas is one of over 130 LCC Comfort Dogs currently serving in more than 27 states.

To request a visit from Thomas Comfort Dog, contact the church office.

Our Comfort Dog Ministry has been highlighted by the LCMS Missouri District, Missouri Life magazine, and KCTV5.