Our Mission
St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School is a Christian community committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God and reaching all people.
Our Vision
Making a Christ-centered difference in our community and world today and for eternity.

Our vision of making a Christ-centered difference begins with God’s gracious work on our behalf. We gather each week to receive our Savior’s gifts in Word and Sacrament and to respond with our prayers, praise, and thanksgiving.

In our school, weekday and Sunday morning education opportunities, daily devotions, and special events, we learn and grow in our life of following Jesus.

We reach into our congregation to foster relationships centered in God’s love for us in Jesus Christ, and we reach out to our community to share our Savior’s gifts.

Join Us
A member is an active and indispensable part of the church. Members of St. Paul’s commit to following Jesus as part of our community and leadership, embracing the vision of our congregation, and using all that God has given them to participate in God’s ongoing mission in our community and beyond.
The process of becoming a member includes baptism (if not previously baptized), “The Basics” new member class, “Explore Discipleship” class, and a public declaration before the congregation.
Want to learn more? Contact us at office@stpaulsconcordia.org.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.